Why Locate Next of Kin?

Why Locate Next of Kin?

To answer that question simply, it is because in the majority of cases there is family to be found.

Indeed, most cases come with information about a family member. Maybe there is an address or telephone number of a relative but the information is outdated. The family member may have moved or passed away. Either way, the authority is now aware of family but has no means of locating them; potential family members are missing out on attending the funeral and dealing with the estate at the earliest possible time.

In all matters Estate Research can use our genealogical expertise to quickly locate family and the authority can ask the next of kin and their solicitors to make the funeral arrangements and deal with the estate.

Many referrals come where there are apparently no next of kin, however our statistics show that in over 90% of the cases we investigate, we locate an entitled heir.

Tracing family places the responsibility for making the funeral arrangements and dealing with the estate in the hands of family and their solicitors.

Our service for locating next of kin includes:

Locating heirs usually within 1-4 days

Placing the responsibility for securing and insuring any property involved onto the family

Providing you with a full paperwork report

Undertaking a Will and asset search on behalf of the family

Placing the responsibility for arranging the funeral on to family members

Providing the family/solicitors with the relevant insurance product


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